Research is considered as an activity that involves inspiration, knowledge and continuous learning, it also allows us to find answers to our doubts and a search for the truth, is also useful to find solutions to problems and the opportunity to bring new knowledge to give continuity to those that already exist.
An investigation is born with a question, which then becomes a hypothesis and then gives an answer to a problem, therefore, it has to be clear and explicit, whose solution will contribute to the strengthening of the current knowledge, since they are born, when there is a gap in knowledge.
The first thing that must be done is to formulate a question that is of a problem of interest, a problem that is motivating, identify a topic that is pleasing, since the investigation if it doesn't have these element, could be stressful.
The idea is to review and recognize a real knowledge gap and not a simple doubt, to avoid investigating what is already being investigated and also to address issues about something that does not have any kind of knowledge or experience, without forgetting to discuss the issues of ethical way.
Then carry out an initial bibliographic review, since this will allow you to know better the subject and you can identify the knowledge gaps, this allows you to substantiate the justification.
What is sought is to convince the readers that the proposal is real and worthwhile, therefore it must supported with arguments, opinions, statistical analysis, laws and theories, which was what you found when carrying out your bibliographic review.
It is necessary to have methodological knowledge, to identify the type of study that is intended to be performed, in the understanding that there are different types of research and one has its own methodology and different level of evidence.
Detail the resources required in the methodological process, so that the data can be analyzed, not forgetting the feasibility of being able to count on them and avoiding backtracking or canceling the investigations that will cause us to waste time and money.
Your bibliography should follow internationally established standards and should contain articles directly related to the subject being investigated.
Although the title of the project appears at the beginning of the investigation, this is always left to the end, since it is necessary to finish all this process to be able to imagine a good title that is attractive and that is related to the investigation, since when we decide to investigate, our first desire is to publish it, the second desire is that people find us and the third one is to be quoted.
In the same way the title can be considered provisional, since it can have many modifications until we leave the one that really reflects the objectives of our investigation.
Don't forget that in drafting there are no good writers, what remains are good re-writers.
It is clear that to the extent that the spine surgeon realizes the importance of disclosing his surgical clinical experience, by developing original articles, science will be favored and patients will have better options with better results or else if not, count with information about possible risks to make preventive decisions.
“The real success is not the one who comes up with the idea, but the one who writes it and convinces the world”.