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Asian Spine J > Volume 18(6); 2024 > Article
Harinathan, Jebaseelan, Yoganandan, and Vedantam: Comparing adjacent segment biomechanics between anterior and posterior cervical fusion using patient-specific finite element modeling


Study Design

This study employed a patient-specific finite element model.


To quantify the effect of anterior and posterior surgical approaches on adjacent segment biomechanics of the patient-specific spine and spinal cord.

Overview of Literature

Adjacent segment degeneration (ASD) is a well-documented complication following cervical fusion, typically resulting from accelerated osteoligamentous deterioration and subsequent symptomatic neural compression. Despite the known impact of spinal fusion on adjacent segment biomechanics, comprehensive comparison between anterior and posterior surgical approaches remains elusive. Understanding these biomechanical changes is crucial for predicting and managing ASD, thereby aiding preoperative surgical planning.


Patient-specific finite element modeling (FEM) of the cervical spine and spinal cord were created. Surgical simulation was performed for multi-segment anterior cervical discectomy fusion (ACDF) (C4–C7) and posterior cervical laminectomy with fusion (PCLF) (C5–6 laminectomy and C4–C7 fusion). Physiological motions were simulated by applying a 2 Nm moment and 75 N force.


At the superior adjacent segment, the ACDF model exhibited a higher range of motion (ROM) during neck flexion compared to PCLF. Conversely, in neck extension, PCLF showed a higher ROM than ACDF. At the superior adjacent segment, the ACDF model showed greater spinal cord stress during flexion. During extension, PCLF was associated with greater spinal cord stress. At the inferior adjacent segment, ACDF was associated with greater spinal cord stress than PCLF during flexion. At the superior adjacent segment, ACDF also led to increased intradiskal pressure and capsular ligament strain during flexion, whereas PCLF showed these increases during extension.


Our findings indicate the differential effect of ACDF and PCLF on biomechanics at the cervical spine’s adjacent segments, with the patient-specific model with ACDF showing greater changes and potential for degeneration. This study highlights the utility of patient-specific FEMs in enhancing surgical decision-making through personalized medicine.


Degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) is the leading cause of spinal cord dysfunction in adults and a major contributor to decreased quality of life and disability [1]. The pathogenesis of DCM is multifactorial, involving spinal cord compression due to osteoligamentous degeneration and dynamic spinal cord stress and strain during neck motion. Surgical spinal cord decompression is the primary treatment for DCM. Surgical decompression, often combined with stabilization, halts the progression of neurological dysfunction, and frequently yields recovery of neurological function. Surgical spinal cord decompression with and without stabilization for DCM can be performed via an anterior or posterior surgical approach [2]. Adjacent segment degeneration (ASD), often superior to the construct, is a common complication after cervical fusion and is attributed to accelerated osteoligamentous degeneration leading to neural compression [3]. Notably, anterior and posterior surgical approaches are expected to differentially impact adjacent segment biomechanics and spinal cord biomechanics. Post-surgical changes in spine and spinal cord biomechanics can influence the development of ASD. Predicting these changes can inform surgical decision-making, potentially mitigating ASD risk and optimizing patient outcomes.
Finite element modeling (FEM) is an indispensable tool for measuring the internal biomechanical responses of the cervical spinal cord to various external factors. Patient-specific FEM is an important preoperative planning tool, enabling non-invasive prediction of surgical outcomes and personalized treatment strategies [4]. While cadaver experiments and animal models provide valuable insights into cervical spine biomechanics, patient-specific FEM offers individualized quantification of biomechanical responses [5]. Traditional FEM research has focused on functional spinal unit kinematics, often excluding the spinal cord due to its complex anatomy [6,7]. FEM studies that include spinal cord mechanics often use generic FEMs [810], which are not patient-specific, limiting their clinical applicability. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-derived patient-specific three-dimensional (3D) FEMs overcome this limitation, accurately measuring intrinsic stress and strain states within an individual patient’s spinal cord. In addition, these models facilitate the simulation of multiple surgical interventions, predicting post-surgical changes in spinal cord stress and strain, and aiding in clinical decision-making [1113].
This study utilized patient-specific FEM of the cervical spine and spinal cord to investigate biomechanical changes following anterior and posterior decompression surgical approaches for DCM. Specifically, we compared osteoligamentous and spinal cord responses at the adjacent segments after anterior cervical discectomy fusion (ACDF) and posterior cervical laminectomy with fusion (PCLF). The primary objective was to demonstrate the feasibility of incorporating spinal cord biomechanics into surgical decision-making for DCM, focusing on patient-specific biomechanical changes.

Materials and Methods

Ethics statement

Institutional review board (IRB) approval for the imaging procedures used in this study was obtained from the IRB of Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA (IRB approval no., PRO00043133).
This study utilized preoperative MRI from a volunteer diagnosed with mild DCM, with a modified Japanese Orthopedic Association score of 16 (Fig. 1). The MRI data was acquired using a 3T GE Premiere machine (GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA) capturing cervical spine T2-weighted fast spin echo images with the following parameters: TR/TE (repetition time/echo time) of 2,500/122 ms and a 3D isotropic resolution of 0.8×0.8×0.8 mm. The spinal geometry was extracted from the MRI using the RadiAnt DICOM viewer software (Medixant, Poznan, Poland). Metrics such as the dimensions of vertebral height, width, and depth, and the length of the spinous process and lateral mass width, were measured linearly. Additional metrics included the vertebral body-to-spinous process length, disk height, Cobb angle, and the thickness of the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments. The degeneration of each cervical disk was categorized based on the T2-weighted MRI images [14]. Patient-specific geometries were integrated into a previously validated generic Finite element (FE) model, creating a patient-specific cervical spine FE model [15,16].

Modeling the osteoligamentous spine

The FE model of the C2–T1 cervical spine was developed using published material properties (Table 1), as previously described [6,17,18]. This model represented a 60-year-old man with cervical myelopathy, characterized by spinal cord compression due to a disk-osteophyte complex at C4–5, C5–6, and C6–7. Bilateral foraminal stenosis was present at each level, with maximum cord compression at C5–6, accompanied by T2-hyperintensity within the spinal cord. Since bone mineral density values for the cervical vertebrae were unavailable, literature-derived bone density values were employed [19,20]. For the vertebral structure, we employed hexahedral elements constructed from isotropic linear elastic materials to represent cancellous bone. Conversely the cortical shell, a 0.5 mm thick layer, was modeled using quadrilateral elements and isotropic linear elastic materials, mirroring the vertebral body’s geometry. The 0.2 mm thick endplates utilized the same element type and material properties as the cortical shell. The intervertebral disk was segmented into three components: nucleus, annulus ground, and annulus fibers. Connections between nodes were established for both the disk and endplates, as well as for the cancellous bone and endplates. Annulus fibrosus was modeled using a nonlinear, orthotropic material model, with fibers arranged in distinct patterns depending on their anterior or posterior location. Our model also featured five primary ligament groups: the anterior longitudinal ligament, posterior longitudinal ligament, interspinous ligament, ligamentum flavum (LF), and capsular ligament (CL). These ligaments were modeled using quadrilateral membrane elements with nonlinear stress-strain relationships to enhance realism (Table 1). The material models for the annulus ground and nucleus pulposus were designated as hill foam and viscoelastic fluid, respectively. These components were meshed using hexahedral and quadrilateral elements, with a total of 44,799 hexahedral and 35,679 quadrilateral elements employed in the overall model. This morphable generic FE model was validated against data from human cadaver cervical columns. This validation confirmed that the predicted range of motion (ROM) at all segments fell within one standard deviation of the mean observed in cadaveric samples, ensuring the model’s accuracy [21,22].

Modeling the spinal cord

Spinal cord geometry was assessed using T2 MRI. Geometric measurements were taken at anatomical landmarks such as the superior endplate, inferior endplate, disk segment, and mid-vertebral sections. Using RadiAnt software (Medixant, Poznań, Poland), the two-dimensional geometry of the spinal cord and surrounding cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were outlined. These geometrical outlines were then transferred into CATIA V6 (Dassault Systemes, Vélizy-Villacoublay, France) for solid model creation, employing spline tools and interpolation techniques for accurate representation.
For meshing, a hexahedral grid was generated using the ANSA software (BETA CAE Systems, Farmington Hills, MI, USA). Our spinal cord model integrated various anatomical components, including gray and white mater, as well as surrounding tissues. Specifically, the pia mater covered the outer surface of the white mater, while the dura mater lined the outer layer of the CSF. Filling the gap between the pia mater and the dura mater was CSF. Denticulate ligaments were modeled according to existing anatomical literature and were attached to the lateral surface of the pia mater. Node-to-node connections ensured seamless integration across all anatomical features. The patient-specific spinal cord FE model was then integrated into the patient-specific FE model of the osteoligamentous cervical spine. Within the spinal canal, the spinal cord was left unconstrained. Frictionless surface-to-surface interactions were set between the spinal column and spinal cord to simulate physiological conditions. Using this patient-specific FE model, we simulated two surgical interventions ACDF (C4–7) and PCLF (C5–6 laminectomy and C4–C7 fusion).

Anterior cervical discectomy fusion

For the ACDF procedure, a central bone graft (12.5 mm×15 mm), was inserted between the C4–C5, C5–C6, and C6–C7 vertebral bodies. The graft was modeled using trabecular bone material properties. To ensure precise representation, 3D models of the anterior cervical plate and variable angle screws were created using the CATIA V6 software (Dassault Systemes). The cervical plate measured 58.2 mm in height, 17.5 mm in width, and 2 mm in thickness, spanning from C4 to C7 along the anterior cortex of the vertebrae. Standardized screws (18 mm in length and 3 mm in diameter) were simulated in the model. The top and bottom screws were inserted at a 35° angle for optimal fixation, while the remaining screws were inserted parallel to the vertebral endplates. Tied constraints were applied to simulate the integration of the bone graft with adjacent vertebral bodies. Identical constraints modeled the interaction between screws and vertebral bodies [23]. Automatic surface-to-surface constraints definition was used to model the interaction between screws and titanium plate, as well as between the plate and vertebral bodies. To enhance clinical relevance, the model also simulated spinal cord decompression after ACDF. This included creating a ventral CSF column of approximately 1 mm at the decompressed segments, replicating the postoperative anatomical changes.

Posterior cervical laminectomy and fusion

PCLF was modeled by removing the spinous process, lamina, and the LF, along with the interspinous ligaments at C5 and C6 [12]. The interspinous ligaments and ligamentous flavum were also removed at the adjacent segments (C4–C5 and C6–C7). Subsequently, fusion from C4 to C7 was modeled using the CATIA V6 software. For the PCLF surgery, custom-designed titanium implants were created, featuring a lateral mass screw with a 3.5 mm diameter and 14 mm length, and a connecting rod with a 3.5 mm diameter and curvature ranging from 0° to 20°. Set screws and screw heads were designed to secure the rod to the vertebrae. Screws were inserted parallel to the facet joints from C4–C7 using mono-cortical fixation. The rod was manipulated to ensure optimal engagement with the lateral mass screws. Constraints were applied to simulate a rigid union between the screws and the rod while an automatic surface-to-surface contact definition was used to model the interaction between the screws and the plate. To simulate the biomechanical changes resulting from PCLF surgeries, the spinal cord was repositioned dorsally by an average of 2 mm at the decompressed segments [24]. This mimicked the expected dorsal spinal cord following posterior decompression performed for DCM.

Loading and boundary conditions

Biomechanical responses of the spine and spinal cord were analyzed under various loading conditions, including flexion, extension and lateral bending, and axial rotation using LS-PrePost ver. 4.3 and LS-Dyna ver. 9.0.1 (ANSYS Inc., Livermore, CA, USA). The models were constrained at the inferior surface of the T1 vertebra in all six degrees of freedom. A pure moment of 2 Nm was applied in both flexion and extension modes and for lateral bending and axial rotation [21]. A follower load of 75 N was also applied during flexion and extension to simulate head mass and muscle force [25]. This follower load was executed through strategically placed cables, with node locations guided by each segmental unit’s center of rotation. No follower load was applied during lateral bending and axial rotation, as recommended in prior studies [22]. Outcomes included segmental ROM, spinal cord stress (von Mises Stress), and strain (Maximum Principal Strain). These metrics were evaluated at both the fused and adjacent spinal segments. For each surgical simulation, additional metrics such as CL strain and intradiskal pressure were evaluated and compared with the preoperative patient-specific FE model. All recorded average stress/strain values were filtered to exclude data below the 5th percentile and above the 95th percentile [26].


Validation of the pre-surgical finite element modeling

The intact C2–T1 FE model was validated by comparisons with angular motions derived from human cadaver experiments, focusing on segments C2–C3 to C7–T1. Validation results demonstrated that the FE model’s response to applied loads fell within ±1 standard deviation of the ROM values from experimental data, demonstrating the model’s accuracy [21,22].

Validation of surgical models

The biomechanical responses of the ACDF model were compared to the cadaveric study by Tsitsopoulos et al. [27], while the PCLF model was validated against the findings of Kretzer et al. [28]. Biomechanical responses derived from both FEMs were within 1 standard deviation of the published cadaver data (Fig. 2).

Range of motion

Segmental ROM was reduced at the fused segments in both ACDF and PCLF models, with no substantial difference observed under physiological loading conditions (Fig. 3). Preoperative ROM averages across all segments ranged from 2.2° to 3.1° for flexion, extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation. In both the ACDF and PCLF models, there was a small reduction in the average ROM, with values ranging from 1.6° to 2.7° and 1.7° to 2.8°, respectively. At the superior adjacent segment, the ACDF model exhibited a higher ROM during flexion compared to PCLF (32.8% versus 7.7%). Conversely, in extension, PCLF showed a higher ROM than ACDF (22.9% versus 1.8%). At the inferior adjacent segment, both models displayed similar increases in ROM during flexion (18.6% versus 17.7%). However, during extension, PCLF demonstrated a higher ROM than ACDF (18.2% versus 13.3%).

Spinal cord stress and strain at the fused segments

Fig. 4 illustrates the changes in spinal cord stress and strain at the fused segments (C4–C7). Notable differences between ACDF and PCLF models were observed. At the C4–C7 segments, ACDF exhibited a greater reduction in spinal cord stress during flexion compared to PCLF (−40% versus −13%). In contrast, during extension, PCLF showed a greater stress reduction than ACDF (−61% versus −28%). Regarding spinal cord strain at C4–C7 segments, both models demonstrated similar reductions during flexion (−18% versus −20%), while PCLF achieved a more substantial decrease during extension compared to ACDF (−57% versus −23%).

Spinal cord stress and strain at adjacent segments

At the superior adjacent segment, the ACDF model showed greater spinal cord stress than PCLF during flexion (67.1% versus 10.5%). In contrast, during extension, PCLF exhibited a higher stress than ACDF (39% versus −6.8%). For spinal cord strain at this segment, ACDF showed higher strain during flexion (24.1% versus 10.3%) compared to PCLF, while PCLF exhibited more strain during extension (45.4% versus 9%). At the inferior adjacent segment, ACDF displayed higher spinal cord stress than PCLF during flexion (43.7% versus −3.5%). During extension, both models showed decreased stress (−16.4% versus −26.2%). For spinal cord strain, both models exhibited slight decreases during flexion (−3% versus −1.8%), while PCLF demonstrated a 19.2% increase during extension, with no change observed in ACDF.

Intradiskal pressure at the adjacent segments

At the superior adjacent segment, the ACDF model showed higher intradiscal pressure during flexion compared to PCLF (35.1% versus 28.1%), while PCLF exhibited higher intradiscal pressure during extension compared to ACDF (33.5% versus 16.3%). At the inferior adjacent segment, ACDF displayed a higher intradiskal pressure in flexion than PCLF (23.2% versus 16.4%), while in extension, both models exhibited similar pressures (26.4% versus 25.7%). Fig. 5 displays the distribution of intradiskal pressure across the annulus and nucleus.

Capsular ligament strain at the adjacent segments

At the fused segments, both models demonstrated a reduction in average CL strain, with PCLF showing greater reductions in axial rotation strain compared to ACDF (−84.2% versus −69.4%). At the superior adjacent segment, ACDF exhibited higher strain than PCLF (37.9% versus 6.9%) during flexion, whereas in extension, PCLF had a higher strain compared to ACDF (24.8% versus −0.2%) (Fig. 3).


Anterior and posterior cervical approaches for DCM are associated with distinct adjacent segment biomechanics during neck flexion and extension. Adverse biomechanical changes at the superior adjacent segment were noted with flexion after ACDF and extension after PCLF, but the magnitude of the change was greater for ACDF. These findings are consistent with those of previous retrospective studies, with ACDF showing increased symptomatic ASD rates with more levels involved: approximately 16% for single-level and 18% for two-level procedures at 10 years post-surgery, escalating to 40% (15/38 patients) for three-level ACDF [29]. In contrast, rates of ASD necessitating reoperation after PCLF can reach up to 28% (61/219 patients) [30]. The results of this study show greater biomechanical potential for ASD after ACDF, especially at the superior adjacent segment. At the superior and inferior adjacent segments, biomechanical responses of the spine and spinal cord were greater after both ACDF and PCLF. Increased ROM at the adjacent segments was associated with greater disk pressures and CL strain in both models compared to preoperative segments.
These results align with cadaver studies post-ACDF, which showed a similar increase in ROM and facet joint stress at the adjacent segments, potentially contributing to ASD [31]. Elevated intradiskal pressure at the adjacent segments has been reported in both the annulus and nucleus after ACDF and PCLF, although the magnitude of the pressures varies [32]. Greater CL strain indicates that restricted motion at fused spinal segments is compensated by increased strain in ligaments, particularly during sagittal bending, indicating a higher likelihood of rapid degeneration [33]. Combined anterior-posterior (ACDF+PCLF) approaches or purely posterior surgeries are performed for multi-level cases; however, according to a recent national database study by Joo et al. [34] in 2022, three-level ACDFs were performed in 29% of 97,081 patients undergoing anterior cervical spine surgery as a standalone approach. In addition to this, we undertook further modeling efforts to compare other surgical strategies, such as ACDF+PCLF combination. Briefly, we analyzed biomechanical responses from ACDF+PCLF combination in comparison with ACDF and PCLF. At the index level, the ACDF+PCLF combination contributed to an additional 9% reduction in ROM across all movements compared to PCLF alone. However, at the adjacent segments, the ACDF+PCLF combination consistently resulted in the highest increases in the ROM across all movements, indicating potential overcompensation at the fused levels. These detailed results are provided in Appendices 13. The surgical approach for multi-level stenosis is often a decision by the individual surgeon, and this study aimed to study the biomechanical impact of the surgical approach. Our results indicate that multi-level ACDF leads to significant biomechanical changes at the adjacent segments, particularly in flexion, highlighting a potential increase in the risk of ASD. By characterizing these biomechanical alterations, our study provides valuable insights for preoperative planning and surgical decision-making, particularly highlighting the risks associated with three-level ACDF.
Our findings indicate that posterior surgery (PCLF) may confer a biomechanical advantage in terms of reduced risk of superior ASD for multi-level cervical fusion. However, individual patient factors such as sagittal alignment, disk degeneration at the superior adjacent segment, and the adjacent segment motion may also contribute to the risk of radiographic and clinical ASD. Further research is required to confirm these findings across diverse patient populations and clinical scenarios.
Unlike cadaver studies, FEM allows for direct comparison of anterior and posterior surgical approaches using the same patient-specific model. Since geometries of the osteoligamentous spine impact biomechanical responses [12,13,35], accurate FEM data for clinical utilization requires patient-specific models as compared to generic FE models. This study shows the potential impact of the surgical approach on adjacent segment biomechanics and allows surgeons to predict the biomechanical responses after fusion. In patients with a high preoperative flexion ROM at the adjacent segment, an ACDF may further accelerate ASD due to its effect on flexion biomechanics. Our approach also highlights that mild to moderate stenosis at the adjacent segments may worsen spinal cord stress and strain after fusion surgery. Using patient-specific FEMs for direct comparisons of anterior and posterior approaches provides an opportunity for surgeons to incorporate the risk of ASD into the surgical decision-making process, and create a personalized approach. Although patient-specific FEM can offer novel data for surgical planning in clinical settings, some limitations need to be acknowledged. Since it is not feasible to directly measure spinal cord stress/strain in humans, we could not validate the spinal cord biomechanics outputs.
Our ACDF (C4–C7) and PCLF (C5–6 laminectomy and C4–7 fusion) models differed in decompression extent, with the posterior fusion model featuring a smaller decompression area versus the larger fusion area in the anterior model. Since decompression extent is tailored to individual patient anatomy and spinal cord compression levels, our findings should be interpreted within this context. Additional decompression can further impact the biomechanical responses. Future research directions include investigating the biomechanical effects of standardized decompression, such as semi-laminectomies of the lower C4 and upper C7 laminae, to better characterize the impact of varying decompression extents on surgical outcomes. While this computational biomechanical study provides valuable insights, clinical validation is essential to confirm these findings. Fortunately, existing clinical data support our results, reporting that adjacent segment disease rates of 40% (15/38 patients) after three-level ACDF and approximately 28% (61/219 patients) after PCLF [29,30]. The authors are currently conducting ongoing studies to establish clinical correlations with our FEM results, further bridging the gap between computational simulations and clinical outcomes. While this is a limitation, the present findings serve as a crucial first step in elucidating the biomechanical effects of ACDF and PCLF on adjacent segments.
CT scans offer superior bone definition and resolution, enabling accurate estimation of bone quality (elastic modulus) through Hounsfield number correlation [36]. Computed tomography (CT)-based modeling excels for bony structures, but its accuracy is diminished for soft tissue components. Xue et al. [37] in 2021 explained that distinguishing soft tissues from the gray value of CT images poses significant challenges. Regardless of spine quality (normal, DCM, or other diseases), accurately defining soft tissues is crucial as they are more influential than bone in governing biomechanical responses under physiological loading [38]. In this study, cortical and cancellous bone material properties were obtained from the literature, rather than patient-specific data. While this may limit the applicability of the study, a separate analysis was conducted to examine the impact of bone properties on the ROM and spinal cord stress and strain responses. Briefly, variations in bone quality affected the outcomes by less than 7.6% for ROM, and spinal cord stress and strain metrics. These results are provided in detail in Appendices 46. MRI offers a better definition of soft tissues (including the spinal cord) and is commonly performed in DCM patients. Additionally, MRI eliminates radiation exposure. Our model utilized clinically obtained MRIs to simulate these structures. Existing studies have utilized MRI, histological data, or literature values for spinal cord modeling. Models using only CT did not simulate the spinal cord presumably due to poor visualization. The use of both scanning techniques can probably help create improved models. While our model’s bony geometry accuracy may have been compromised using literature-derived bone material properties, the stress-strain responses remain reasonable. To enhance accuracy, we plan to integrate CT-based bone material properties with MRI-derived soft tissue data, leveraging the strengths of both imaging modalities.
Additionally, the boundary condition effect, specifically, the restriction of six degrees of freedom at the T1 vertebra, may compromise the reliability of outputs for the inferior adjacent segment. Additionally, our spinal cord modeling assumptions, including manual shifting to model the spinal cord decompression, may not accurately reflect post-surgical changes. Furthermore, patient-specific tissue properties of the spine and spinal cord, particularly those based on age, are currently unavailable. Further investigation is necessary to quantify these properties and refine our modeling methodology.


Greater biomechanical responses of the osteoligamentous spine and spinal cord at the superior adjacent segment were noted with flexion after ACDF and extension after PCLF. Since the magnitude of the change was greater for ACDF, our results indicate greater biomechanical potential for ASD after ACDF. Patient-specific FEMs can predict adjacent segment biomechanics for both anterior and posterior cervical fusion, and offer a personalized medicine approach to surgical decision-making.

Key Points

  • Patient-specific cervical spine and spinal cord models were created from magnetic resonance imaging data.

  • Anterior and posterior surgical approaches were simulated on patient-specific models and adjacent segments were compared with the preoperative patient-specific model.

  • Anterior cervical discectomy fusion (ACDF) and posterior cervical laminectomy with fusion (PCLF) surgical approaches distinctly affect adjacent segment biomechanics, with ACDF inducing greater changes during flexion, increasing the risk of segment degeneration.

  • ACDF significantly increases the potential for adjacent segment degeneration, especially at superior levels, compared to PCLF.

  • Utilizing patient-specific finite element models can enhance surgical planning by accurately predicting biomechanical outcomes for both anterior and posterior cervical fusions, promoting personalized surgical strategies.


Conflict of Interest

No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.


This work was supported by the AO Spine North America and the North American Spine Society.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: DJ, NY, AV. Methodology: BH, NY, AV. Investigation: AV. Data curation: BH. Formal analysis: BH. Software: BH. Visualization: BH, DJ, AV. Resources: NY. Project administration: AV. Funding acquisition: AV. Validation: NY. Supervision: NY. Writing–original draft: BH. Writing–review & editing: DJ, AV. Final approval of the manuscript: all authors.

Fig. 1
Presurgical sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (A). Finite element model of preoperative (B) and C4–C7 Anterior cervical diskectomy fusion (C) and C4–C7 posterior cervical diskectomy fusion (D).
Fig. 2
(A, B) A bar chart illustrating the range of motion (ROM) of surgical finite element models (FEM), demonstrating that they fall within 1 standard deviation of the ROM values reported in earlier cadaver studies.
Fig. 3
Bar charts presenting segmental range of motion (ROM) (AD), spinal cord stress (EH), spinal cord strain (IL), intradiskal pressure (MP), and capsular ligament strain (QT) for flexion, extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation movements. The segments of spinal decompression are emphasized with dotted lines. ACDF, anterior cervical discectomy fusion; PCLF, posterior cervical laminectomy with fusion.
Fig. 4
A representation of the variation in spinal cord stress (A) and strain (B) across the cervical spinal cord during neck motion, as observed in preoperative, anterior cervical discectomy fusion (ACDF), and posterior cervical laminectomy with fusion (PCLF) finite element models.
Fig. 5
A representation of the pressure distribution across annulus ground (A) and nucleus (B). ACDF, anterior cervical discectomy fusion; PCLF, posterior cervical laminectomy with fusion.
Table 1
Details of the finite element model
Component Element type Constitutive model Parameters
Cortical bone Quadrilateral shell Linear elastic E=16.8 GPa, n=0.3
Trabecular bone Hexahedral solid Linear elastic E=0.442 GPa, n=0.3
Endplates Quadrilateral shell Linear elastic E=5.6 GPa, n=0.3
Facet cartilage Quadrilateral shell Linear elastic E=0.01 GPa, n=0.3
Annulus ground substance Hexahedral solid Hill foam C1=0.000115 GPa, C2=0.002101 GPa, C3=−0.000893 GPa, b1=4, b2=−1, b3=−2
Annulus fibrosus Quadrilateral membrane Orthotropic nonlinear Fiber angle: 45°–60°
Nucleus pulposus Hexahedral solid Fluid K=1.720 Gpa
Ligaments Quadrilateral membrane Non-linear Stress-Strain curves
Spinal cord Hexahedral solid Viscoelastic ρ=1.04e3 kg/m3, C1=0.5345, C2=1.0665, C3=1.0113, G1=0.8927, G2=0.8926, G3=0.8917, β1=−0.0137, β2=0.00775, β3=0.035
Pia mater Quadrilateral shell Linear elastic ρ=1.13e3 kg/m3, E=2.3 MPa, ν=0.49
Dura mater Quadrilateral shell Linear elastic ρ=1.130e3 kg/m3, E=80 MPa, ν=0.49
Denticulate ligaments Quadrilateral shell Linear elastic ρ=1.040e3 kg/m3, E=0.0058 GPa, ν=0.45
Cerebral spinal fluid Hexahedral solid Viscoelastic ρ=1.040e3 kg/m3, K=2.19 GPa, G0=5e–7, G1=1e–7


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Appendix 1.

Finite element model of anterior cervical discectomy fusion (ACDF)+posterior cervical laminectomy with fusion (PCLF) combination (C4–C7 anterior cervical discectomy fusion and C4–C7 posterior cervical laminectomy fusion).

Appendix 2.

Normalized range of motion with respect to the preoperative condition

Appendix 3.

Bar charts presenting segmental range of motion (A–D), spinal cord stress (E–H), spinal cord strain (I–L), intradiskal pressure (M–P), and capsular ligament strain (Q–T) for flexion, extension, lateral bend- ing, and axial rotation movements for preoperative, anterior cervical discectomy fusion (ACDF), posterior cervical laminectomy with fusion (PCLF), and ACDF+PCLF.

Appendix 4.

Material properties

Appendix 5.

Bar charts presenting outcomes when material properties are reduced to 75% normalized to 100% for segmental range of motion (ROM) (A–D), spinal cord stress (E–H), and spinal cord strain (I–L) across flexion, extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation movements. Data is shown for preoperative, anterior cervical discectomy fusion (ACDF), and posterior cervical laminectomy with fusion (PCLF).

Appendix 6.

Bar charts presenting outcomes when material properties are reduced to 50% normalized to 100% for segmental range of motion (ROM) (A–D), spinal cord stress (E-H), and spinal cord strain (I–L) across flexion, extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation movements. Data is shown for preoperative, anterior cervical discectomy fusion (ACDF), and posterior cervical laminectomy with fusion (PCLF).
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